This body of work is a development of imagery and technical expertise derived from the events and environments I’ve experienced in 2023.  Birds have been an ongoing source of stimulation and study for years, and continue to be so. When I see a bird I observe the proportions of their shape, and how it changes when they fly. In flying the wings and tail move continually, beating the wind, or sailing on it. I imagine the effort of raising their body aloft, or the relief when they can coast on the wind, and flare their wings when they wish to slow to a stop.

Lately I’ve noticed that the goldfish in our patio pond have similar shapes, and structure to the birds. Fish undulate their body to move through water, using their tail and fins for propulsion and navigation. The ever changing shape of the fish in motion fascinates me.

During the summer of 2023 I was fortunate to study Majolica painting with a master in Florence Italy.  Through this traditional technique I discovered a modern expression by using the brush to create the shape of the bird or fish in one stroke.  It is a challenge faced every time the brush touches the surface of the vessel.

My work continues to be an expression of my world and the next possibility of creation.